Horse Sense, Business Sense
Shannon Knapp. Developed by one of the leaders in the field of Equine Assisted Practice, Horse Sense, Business Sense is written for those seeking to learn the business basics essential for a successful journey into Equine Assisted Therapy and Learning. Practical and pragmatic, Horse Sense, Business Sense relates the straightforward and oftentimes humorous story of the author's own journey from idealistic up-start to savvy entrepreneur, with key principles and pointers ideal for the new therapy business. Knapp is one of the more experienced veterans in the field, and has learned firsthand that creating a successful practice comes only after learning how to create a successful business foundation. Learn the necessary "Horse Sense" principles to avoid the pitfalls that can threaten your success in the exciting new world of Equine Assisted Practice. Horse Sense, Business Sense is the book therapists and equine businesses have been waiting for... and a terrific common-sense book for anyone trying to be financially successful while following their dreams.
08-0127 Horse Sense, Business Sense $34.99