Ecole Saddle Pads by Roma
Introducing a new degree of quality in saddle pads - Ecole by Roma. Each pad features beautiful color combinations with unique and attractive quilting patterns, and lush fabrics.
All Ecole pads feature a girth guard of reinforced vinyl coating to protect the piping at the girth areas. Keeps your pad looking neat and new longer.

Ecole pads feature a cushioned Wick-Easy lining that pulls away moisture from your horse. Allows for the quick evaporation of moisture, which means extra comfort for your horse.

All pads are styled with a wither relief cut which protects your horses' sensitive wither area from additional pressure from the pad, which is especially necessary with high withered horses.
Available in both dressage and all purpose styles, and five different quilting patterns.
Three fabric styles are available, polished cotton, soft microsuede or fine-wale corduroy.
Top row left to right: Quintessence, Diamond, Double Diamond.
Bottom row left to right: Flower Diamond, Octagon.