Therapeutic Riding Surcingles
Therapeutic Riding Surcingle with Triangle Handle Designed specifically for therapeutic riding programs, leather surcingle has leather covered bar bridging the withers. Dees at the base of the handle allow stirrup leathers to be attached. Girth adjusts three ways to fit average and large horses (72" to 96"). Medium or wide tree.
01-0320 Therapeutic Riding Surcingle with Triangle Handle $314.99
Therapeutic Riding Surcingle with Round Handle (Anti-Cast Roller) Metal braced roller, padded over the withers, fully adjustable. Often used when a rider cannot use a vaulting surcingle. Made of English leather. Girth adjusts three ways to fit average and large horses (72" to 94"). Medium or wide tree.
01-0319 Therapeutic Riding Surcingle with Round Handle (Anti-Cast Roller) $314.99

Surcingle Handle Cushion Foam inside vinyl slides over round surcingle handles to protect the rider. Easy care, easy on and off. Sold individually.
01-0301 Surcingle Handle Cushion $15.99