Say Whoa!


Say Whoa! on hand at Monty Roberts’ Flag is Up Farms.  “In our experience here at Monty Robert’s Flag is Up Farms, we had 100% success with using Say Whoa!  We had several wild mustangs that we adopted from the BLM and three of them had colic in the span of two weeks.  We used your product and saved all three including one that was several thought to not survive.  I highly recommend this product and will always keep a few bottles around for safeties safe.  Kind regards, Laurel Roberts (Monty Robert’s daughter)

SKU: 11-1001 Category:


To horses in distress, it’s what you do first.  Promotes digestive flow to assist with waste buildup of retained stool and maintains normal bowel movements.  Far too often, it starts with “simply your horse not drinking enough water.”   Your horse may not drink due to an abrupt change in weather temperature, change in water source or by overeating dry feed.  Dehydration is the number one cause of fecal impaction.  Don’t let a bout of mild dehydration turn into a nightmare.  This product is a must-have on your shelf to administer at signs of colic.  Easy to administer–in a paste form just like a wormer.  This is NOT a substitute for veterinary care or recommendations but can help your horse before your vet arrives.