Shamrock Kid’s Saddle


SKU: 01-0101 Category:


Shamrock Kid’s Saddle
A saddle designed for kids with kids’ proportions in mind. Young children are not just small adults, they have proportionally longer torsos and shorter legs. So their saddle cannot be a miniature version of an adult saddle. The Shamrock looks a little funny – until you put a child on it.

Stirrup bars are placed to give correct balance. The long grab strap is included, it allows young riders to learn correct hand position and feel secure without hanging on the horse’s mouth.

All the important features of an adult saddle but proportioned for a child: open grain leather which absorbs oil and preservatives; and steel/wood tree and flocking which can be adjusted to fit different conformations. Stirrups and girth not included.

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13.5", 14.5"