Spice It Up! A Recipe Book of Therapeutic Riding Activities


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From games like the Mad Hatter Tea Party, Animal Safari and Pony Express to Knights and Princesses, Cattle Drive and Old Mac- Donald Had a Farm, PATH Intl. Certified Instructors from the Jackson Hole Therapeutic Riding Association (JHTRA) serve up nearly 50 helpings of well-tested activities in these 74 pages. Their goal: to compile the best ideas from all JHTRA instructors into the kind of book a new instructor would relish and experienced ones would use to spice up lessons by adding dashes of their own creativity.

Applicable to participants of all ages and skill level, activities can fit into existing plans or lessons can be built around these games. Each game includes ingredients, an arena set-up blueprint, directions on how to play and ways to “mix it up.” This includes extended themes that encourage participants to explore how practicing a game’s skills, for instance acting polite while playing the Mad Hatter Tea Party game, applies to using manners at home and in school.  Spiral Bound.  Neally Angell